Tag Archives: pooled normal plasma

Fresh Frozen Plasma vs Lyophilized: What should your lab use?

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Coagulation laboratories have a variety of choices for reagents.  What are the differences and why are they important? Fresh frozen reagents are collected from the donor and frozen immediately.  After thawing, they require no preparation, thaw and go. Lyophilization is the process of freeze drying a reagent to remove the liquid component. The process leaves   …Continue Reading

Factor Sensitivities – What’s the value, anyway? [Pun intended]

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Currently the global test used to detect intrinsic factor deficiencies in patients with bleeding is the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT). The APTT reagent used should be sensitive to a reduction in coagulation factors such as FVIII and FIX that are commonly associated with bleeding. Literature states that it is desirable to have APTT systems   …Continue Reading