B-FACT - Borderline Factor Assay Control Plasma

B-FACT – Borderline Factor Assay Control Plasma

Product Number Sizes
0040-0 0.5 mL vials
0040-1 1.0 mL vials

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Product Information:

B-FACT is a borderline factor assay control designed to assess the sensitivity of the mid range section of the standard curve. Lot specific assigned assay values for a wide variety of tests are included with each shipment. No prepackaged amounts, order what you need!

Assay List:

  • Prothrombin Time
  • Activated Partial Thromboplastin
  • Thrombin Time (Excluding B-Fact)
  • Fibrinogen (Clauss Method)
  • Factor II Activity
  • Factor V Activity
  • Factor VII Activity
  • Factor VIII Activity
  • Factor FVIII Activity (Chromogenic)
  • Factor IX Activity
  • Factor X Activity
  • Factor XI Activity
  • Factor XII Activity
  • Antithrombin III Activity
  • vWF Antigen
  • vWF Activity
  • Protein C Antigen
  • Protein C Functional
  • Protein S Functional
  • Protein S Antigen
  • Plasminogen

Uses for B-FACT:

  • Mid range borderline coagulation factor assay control
  • Mid range borderline control for coagulation/thrombosis specialty assays

Primary advantages of B-FACT:

  • Most like patient plasma
  • Ready to use — No reconstitution
  • No buffers or preservatives
  • Comprehensive coagulation/thrombosis control


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